Thursday, June 15, 2006

Pentagon provides book of talking points for Republicans running for office to use to put smiley face on Iraq conflict. Prepare to be manipulated.

Summary: General Abizaid on the Enemy Tab 1
Motivation: What Unites the Terrorists Tab 2
Tactics: How the Terrorists Operate Tab 3
Objectives: What the Terrorists want Tab 4

Summary: Fighting the Global War on Terrorism Tab 1
Accomplishments in the Global War on Terrorism Tab 2
Threats Disrupted at Home Tab 3
Accomplishments in Afghanistan Tab 4
New Allies in the War on Terror Tab 5
Halting Proliferation of WMD Tab 6

Summary: The world is safer without Saddam; we have a strategy for victory in Iraq; we cannot cut and run. Tab 1

The world is safer without Saddam Tab 2 Saddam and his defiance of the world community Tab 2:A:1 Defiance of UN resolutions 2:A:1 Saddam Wanted WMD 2:A:2 Oil for Food Corruption / Ending Sanctions 2:A:3

Saddam made war on his neighbors and his own people Tab 2:B:1 Support for Terrorist Groups 2:B:1 Atrocities Against his Own People 2:B:2 Quotes about Saddam 2:B:3

Strategy for Victory: Democracy, Security, No Retreat Tab 3 Political: build a democracy to unite the Iraqi people Tab 3:A Importance of the Unity Government 3:A:1 Iraqi Constitution 3:A:2 Broadly Representative Coalition Government 3:A:3 Iraqi Faith in the Government 3:A:4 How the Unity Government Prevented Civil War 3:A:5 What the Government Means to the Terrorists 3:A:6

Security: Training Iraqi forces so they can take the lead Tab 3: B Facts and figures on ISF 3:B:1 How Iraqis Support their Security Forces 3:B:2 Iraqi-led Operations 3:B:3 What Experts are Saying about ISF 3:B:4

Economy: Iraq has the resources to be a prosperous democracy Tab 3:C From Saddam to Macroeconomic Stability 3:C:1 Essential Services 3:C:2 Rejoining the World Community 3:C:3 Economic Optimisim 3:C:4

Costs of Cut and Run Tab 4 Iraq will Become a Haven to Terrorists 4:1 Signals to the Region and the Rest of the World. 4:2

Does any of this sound familiar?

So now when you see a Republican being questioned about Iraq you can read his answers right along with him.

Don't you just love the internet?

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