Thursday, August 03, 2006

Doctor suggests giving your pre-schooler booze in his thermos to keep him from becoming an alcoholic later in life. Is today opposite day?

CHILDREN from the age of five should be encouraged to drink wine at home to prevent the toll of alcohol abuse in later life, one of the country's leading experts on the problem has told Scotland on Sunday.

Jack Law, chief executive of Alcohol Focus Scotland and a member of the Scottish Ministerial Advisory Committee on Alcohol Problems, believes the practice would cut binge drinking among youngsters by taking the mystery out of alcohol.

Law, who is helping ministers draft new alcohol policies to tackle the nation's appalling health record, believes parents should also drink more responsibly themselves to set a good example.

Why am I not surprised this guy is a Scot?

You know how you show your child how to drink responsibly? By not drinking in front of them. Children do not need to drink earlier in life they need to drink much later in life after their brains have fully developed and they have a shot at making a rational choice about alcohol.

You dim son of a bitch!

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