Thursday, August 03, 2006

WTHF? (What The Holy F**k)

Churches and Christian groups will get emails alerting them to crimes on which they can then focus their prayers.

The Prayer Watch scheme has been proposed by the Lincolnshire branch of the Christian Police Association (CPA).

The police said the project is mainly to encourage communities to keep an eye on the churches themselves - which are targets for burglars and vandals.

Lincolnshire Police spokesman Dick Holmes said: "In one sense it is similar to the conventional watch schemes like Neighbourhood Watch and Farm Watch in that it encourages congregations to keep an eye on church buildings.

"They are prime targets for thieves and vandals and recently there have been well-publicised spates of trouble across the county.

"Obviously there is the spiritual element which lets communities know about specific incidents in their area so they can focus their prayers on them if they wish."

I understand that the various criminal cartels in England have banded together to offer their own prayers that "the bloody coppers don't catch our ass!"

How ignorant are these people? They are going to ask the Sky God to catch the bad guys for them? "Obviously there is a spiritual element", obvious to who?

How does one go from, "I can't catch the bad guy", to, "it must have something to do with the spirtiual realm, let's ask God"?

I blame Bush!

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