Monday, August 14, 2006

If there is a poorly planned, ill conceived war taking place in the world can George W. Bush be far behind?

Amid the political and diplomatic fallout from Israel’s faltering invasion of Lebanon, some Israeli officials are privately blaming President George W. Bush for egging Prime Minister Ehud Olmert into the ill-conceived military adventure against the Hezbollah militia in south Lebanon.

Bush conveyed his strong personal support for the military offensive during a White House meeting with Olmert on May 23, according to sources familiar with the thinking of senior Israeli leaders.

Olmert, who like Bush lacks direct wartime experience, agreed that a dose of military force against Hezbollah might damage the guerrilla group’s influence in Lebanon and intimidate its allies, Iran and Syria, countries that Bush has identified as the chief obstacles to U.S. interests in the Middle East.

As part of Bush’s determination to create a “new Middle East” – one that is more amenable to U.S. policies and desires – Bush even urged Israel to attack Syria, but the Olmert government refused to go that far, according to Israeli sources.

As much as I would love to lay the blame for this fiasco on King George's shoulders I must say that Prime Minister Olmert is a colossal moron! What kind of leader looks at our war in Iraq and thinks that the guy that created that should be listened to concerning national security matters?

And how does our fumbler in chief manage to convince these guys to go along with his hair brained schemes? I just don't get it.

I have heard that the people of Israel may ask for the removal of Olmert. I think that is a good plan. I also think that any country whose leader is following George Bush's advice should be removed from power. Too stupid to lead.

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