Sunday, August 13, 2006

Jill Carroll speaks!

My chief captor had an idea about how to prod the US government into action: another video.

He said this one would be different, and left.

I turned to the two guards sitting on cushions a few feet away and started to panic. Really, really panic.

"Oh my God, oh my God, they're going to kill me, this is going to be it. I don't know when but they're going to do it," I thought.

I crawled over to Abu Hassan, the one who seemed more grown-up and sympathetic. His 9mm pistol was by his side, as usual.

"You're my brother, you're truly my brother," I said in Arabic. "Promise me you will use this gun to kill me by your own hand. I don't want that knife, I don't want the knife, use the gun."

I hope all of those asshole right wing bloggers who accused Jill Carroll of staging this kidnapping discover their sense of ethics and write a retraction after reading this truly horrendous account of what this poor woman went through.

There are a lot of ugly people in the world, but what was said about Jill was just about the ugliest thing I have ever read in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Republican Vet, for one, kept up the nonsense that she staged her own kidnapping. No matter what evidence was presented to the contrary, he was not interested in hearing the truth.

    There are those among us who are determined to smear the names of innocent victims, no matter what the circumstances.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.