Thursday, August 03, 2006

Just like I promised, here is my letter to the editor about Ted Stevens debating Jon Stewart.

Stevens would be winner in debate with comedian on 'The Daily Show'

It has recently come to my attention that our very own Sen. Ted Stevens is entertaining the idea of going on "The Daily Show" and debating comedian Jon Stewart about the net neutrality issue.

I would like to offer my encouragement for Sen. Stevens to go give that upstart a piece of his mind. "The Daily Show" has gone out of its way to ridicule our senator every chance it gets.
From the "coot off" with Sen. Robert Byrd to the "series of tubes" analogy that Sen. Stevens used to help the uneducated understand the complications of Internet use, this Jon Stewart fellow has rarely missed an opportunity to paint our own senator as a blithering idiot.

Well, Sen. Stevens does not need the help of some East Coast cable television host to let all of us know what kind of a senator he is. We know all too well what kind of representation we have in the U.S. Senate.

So I think that Sen. Stevens should go and straighten this fellow out once and for all. He should get on there and let this pipsqueak just try and make a fool of him face to face. Then we will see who is the idiot, now won't we?

Godspeed senator, and know that all of your supporters are confident you will make them proud.

Hee, hee.

Well now the ball is in Senator Stevens's luxury, oil graft funded, court. Let's see if he has the cajones to face our favorite pasty faced comedic pundit, on a barely noticed cable televison show.

Do you feel lucky Senator? Well do ya, Punk?

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