Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Lieberman lesson: If you support the war you will not get re-elected. Do you hear that Hillary?

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton embarked on her first major day of campaigning in her re-election bid yesterday, but wound up facing a flurry of questions about Senator Joseph I. Lieberman’s defeat by an antiwar candidate in the Connecticut Democratic primary.
In turn, Mrs. Clinton, a potential 2008 presidential candidate who has come under attack herself because of her refusal to apologize for voting to authorize the use of military force in Iraq, sought to distance herself from Mr. Lieberman.

“I think there is a great deal of difference,’’ Mrs. Clinton told reporters during a stop at a center for the elderly in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, after being asked to distinguish her position on the Iraq war from Mr. Lieberman’s.

“I have been a consistent critic from the beginning,’’ she continued, apparently drawing a distinction between her repeated criticism of President Bush’s management of the war and Mr. Lieberman’s reluctance to criticize it. “And the record reflects that.’’

She still does not it! We do not just want this war criticized, we want it stopped!

If Hillary does not stand up and demand that our troops come home as soon as possible then she may very well find herself fighting for her own Senate seat and then having a snowballs' chance in hell of getting the Democratic Presidential nomination.

The public is fed up! Over 60% of Americans think this war was a mistake. There is not a lot of middle gound on this issue anymore. The Republicans might still manage to get the necessary votes to win their seats in the reddest of states but in many parts of the country this is a one issue race. If you support the Bush's war then you will have to go!

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