Monday, September 11, 2006

Al Gore is a teasing little bitch.

"I haven't completely ruled out running for president again in the future but I don't expect to," Gore said before the Sunday night premiere of "An Inconvenient Truth."

"I offer the explanation not as an effort to be coy or clever. It's just the internal shifting of gears after being in politics almost 30 years. I hate to grind the gears," he added.

I just hate this type of posssible presidential candidate. I mean they act like they will give it up and let you run them for president but just when you have spent tons of your money they say no.

I think that once they have you all worked up they need to come across with the goods. I do not want to walk around with an stiff voting ballot and no place to stick it.

I know that they say "no means no", but isn't it possible that "no means maybe"?

I mean we all know that Gore wants it. He is panting for it. He is just afraid that the other candidates will call him "easy". Teasing little pussy!

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