Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bush loses his swagger when Iran President Ahmadinejad comes a calling.

US President George W. Bush declared Friday that he has no intention of meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during his visit to the United Nations headquarters in New York next week.

Bush and Ahmadinejad are expected to carry speeches Tuesday in front of the UN General Assembly, with Bush’s oration scheduled for the morning hours and Ahmadinejad’s for the evening.

Bush addressed the press at the White House’s Rose Garden Friday. When asked whether he would take advantage of the opportunity to meet with the Iranian president, he responded unequivocally, “No. No I will not meet with him.”

Bullies can never take it when their victims put their fists up and refuse to be afraid anymore.

President Ahmadinejad has called Bush's bluff and is showing our fearful leader for the coward that he is. Does anybody truly believe that Clinton would have shied away from a one on one conversation with a country that offered to discuss their differences with America? No way!

Bush is an empty bag of air. He repeats the same mantra over and over as if he expects a different outcome each time. "Stay the course", "Fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here", "lesssons learned from 9-11", "war on terrorism", etc., etc., etc..

You know what they call somebody who repeats the same behavior over and over while expecting a different result? Insane!

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