Sunday, September 17, 2006

Female blogger is incensed that people noticed that she has boobs. Oh, and that Bill Clinton was standing behind her smiling. Really smiling!

You know, I was psyched to be invited to this lunch and was feeling pretty honored. But then things like this remind me that no matter what I do or accomplish, because I'm a young woman all I'm good for is fodder for tacky intern jokes and comments that I don't "represent feminist values" because of the way I posed in a picture.

Now I can certainly understand this poor woman's frustration at being seen as an attractive person rather then a serious blogger who focuses on feminist issues.

I lied.

I have no idea why this bothers her. On the extremely rare occasions when somebody compliments my picture I walk around my house strutting like Brad Pitt. Of course I am a "manwhore".

Jessica, darling, you have nice breasts. Don't be ashamed of them. They do not define you or devalue your intellect. If anything they may hold my attention long enough for you to make your feminist point without my ADHD kicking and making me wander away before you finish.

Boobs are awesome! If it weren't for boobs where would Jessica Simpson, Pam Anderson, and Lindsay Lohan be? I am sure that if you embrace these fine women as your role-models you will come to terms with your breast focused self loathing.

So Jessica, open that last button on you blouse and let the adulation that you so richly deserve flow over you. You can do it.


  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Now I can certainly understand this poor woman's frustration at being seen as an attractive person rather then a serious blogger who focuses on feminist issues. I have no idea why this bothers her. On the extremely rare occasions when somebody compliments my picture I walk around my house strutting like Brad Pitt.

    It's different for women and men. Men have only recently been objectified for their looks over their professional capacities and this is only in rare situations. Men have always been taken seriously. Women of all ages are still struggling to be taken seriously.

  2. I guess my point was I don't think that Jessica was truly being taken any less seriously because of the photo. I think that a handful of people, who probably did not take her seriously anyhow, trotted out their own insecurities and prejudices and that Jessica let it get to her. If she really wants to rise above the sexual stereotype b.s., then she shouldn't whine about it when it happens to her.

    Almost every job I have had in my life has had about a 10-1 female to male ratio. I have indeed been the subject of some teasing, and sexual remarks, and even some harrassment. I just sort of laughed it off and did my job.

    I certainly understand that it is different for women then men. But in this day and age it does not have to be. If women don't allow men to define them then they take charge of their own bodies and sexuality. Everybody knows that most of the negative feedback that women get about their appearance comes from other women and not so much from men. But when you are comfortable in your own skin you let that crap slide off.

    But Jessica is a smart woman who allowed herself to feel minimized by somebody who noticed that she looked sexy in a picture. What I said was that a man would not have let that bother him in the least. He would have e-mailed the comments to all of his buddies.

    If Jessica does not want to be treated like a girl then she shouldn't react like a girl. Jessica made this a bigger deal then it should have been. On the other hand I read her work for the first time so, in a backhanded sort of way, her breasts gained her at least one more new reader. Or was that the point?

  3. And without boobs like George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld, where would Dick Cheney be?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.