Sunday, September 10, 2006

George Bush is the dumbest President of the last 110 years. Well except for Warren Harding, but who counts him?

George W. Bush has the lowest average IQ of all but one American president since the start of the 20th century, according to the estimates of psychological researchers.

He “is definitely intelligent . . . certainly smart enough to be president of the United States”, says Dean Keith Simonton, a psychologist at the University of California.

But his intellect falls below all other presidents of the past 110 years except Warren Harding, who was in the White House briefly in the 1920s and regarded as a failed president.

Bush’s estimated IQ is about 20 points below that of his predecessor, Bill Clinton, “a disparity that may have created a contrast effect that made any intellectual weaknesses all the more salient”.

Simonton has drawn up a table of estimated presidential intelligence by amassing data created by other researchers. Writing in the journal Political Psychology he says that estimates of Bush’s IQ range between 111.1 and 138.5, with a mean of 120, “which is about the average for a college graduate in the United States”.

I think the good doctor is being much to diplomatic here.

I would be truly surprised if George Bush's tested IQ were higher then 110. He is quite obviously an ignorant man who is easily directed by his more capable cabinet members. He has many earmarks that identify a low IQ, stubborness, difficulty focusing on more then one thing at a time, and an obvious disdain for the intellectuals of the world.

What is painfully obvious to me is that he is not nearly intelligent enough to be the President of the most powerful nation on earth. And his impact on our country is the proof.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I just can't understand why you are not president??????


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