Sunday, September 10, 2006

Dick Cheney is taking a beating on "Meet the Press".

You should tune in.

Russert is throwing everything at Cheney.

The lies told in the build up to the war.

The "greeted as liberators" bullshit. (Now Cheney says he meant just the initial invasion not the on-going operation. He also blames Tim for only giving him two choices.)

The "last throes" statement and how wrong that turned out to be.

Taking their eye off of North Korea. The war on terror and how much more their is to do. The fact that Iran has more influence in Iraq then America does today.

But the thing that Cheney keeps coming back to is that because there has been no attack in America since 9-11 that proves that we are doing the right thing. That is the dumbest thing to say on the public airwaves that I can possibly imagine! Why tell the terrorists that they can destroy our will by attacking us again? I think that all of us know in our hearts that another attack will bring this country to a screeching halt. We will close our borders, reject most foreigners, and close our society off from the rest of the world. It would be devastating.

All the more reason to not act all smug just because there has not been a successful attack on this country since 9-11. All a terrorist has to do to wipe that smug look off of the faces of our leaders is to kill more of our people.

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