Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Lesbians have more orgasms then straight women. That is why I am a lesbian trapped in a mans body.

Women who have sex with other women and those who expand their sexual repertoire are more likely to have orgasms, an Australian study has found.

The latest findings from the nation's largest sexuality survey unveiled today shed new light on the relationship between what lovers do in the sack and whether they experience orgasm.

The sex snapshot, based on interviews with more than 19,000 people, shows that standard intercourse is by far the most common sexual practice.

Oooh the dreaded "missionary position". In my opinion the only reason to have sex in the missionary position is if you are a missionary. Boring, boring, boring!

Prof Rissel said these findings challenge old fashioned attitudes to women's sexuality that blame the individual if she is unable to have an orgasm.

"Much of the research on female difficulties with orgasm or with heterosexual sex in general has focused more on indirect causes, such as upbringing, attitudes, religion, marital adjustment, anxiety, previous traumatic experience," rather than form of stimulation received, the authors wrote.

They said recent attempts had been made to "medicalise" women's sexual difficulties to create a market for female Viagra.

But their findings show that "the sexual stimulation delivered to women in the typical, rigidly-scripted heterosexual interaction has more to do with whether they reach orgasm (and we suspect, enjoy sex) than with more obscure and distant causes".

I have always felt that the myth that there is this large segment of women who cannot achieve orgasm is just so much bulshit. I think that much of this is because men do not like to spend the time to get to understand their partners bodies. They are not all alike you know.

But I think that every woman is not only capable of orgasm but is capable of multiple orgasms. At least all of the ones I have known have been. But you have to be willing to put in the time.

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