Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Lou Dobbs takes on our broken Democracy.

But there is additional uncertainty about the outcome of our elections that is intolerable and inexcusable, and which could make the contested 2000 presidential election look orderly by comparison. As of right now, there is little assurance your vote will count. As we've been reporting almost nightly on my broadcast for more than a year, electronic voting machines are placing our democracy at risk.

Across the nation, eight out of every 10 voters will be casting their ballots this November on electronic voting machines. And these machines time and again have been demonstrated to be extremely vulnerable to tampering and error, and many of them have no voter-verified paper trail.

There is simply no way in which election officials and their staffs of thousands of volunteers with limited experience and often poor training can possibly carry out reliable recounts.

Only 27 states have laws requiring the use of voter-verified paper trails in electronic machines. Eight more states utilize a paper trail in their machines but don't require it, leaving 15 states with no mandated requirements for safeguarding your vote. But with no national law in place, our midterm elections are being threatened by a system lacking any real regulation and standards.

I do not always agree with Mr. Dobbs on every subject but on this one he is dead on. It is clear to me that this is the real "October surprise" that the Republicnas have in store for our voters, only it will be in November instead.

This situation needs to be addressed now! There should be a suspension of all electronic voting until the machines have been verified as tamper proof by an outside agency. This is much, much too important to be allowed to fester before this November's elections. It might very well destroy our Democracy as I believe that there are many who will never accept the outcome of the elections with these machines still in use.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with some of what he says too. Must mean he is pretty balanced, unlike so many others.


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