Saturday, September 16, 2006

Protection of Baghdad goes old school, they are going to build a moat.

Iraqi security forces will dig trenches around Baghdad and set up checkpoints along all roads leading into the city to try to reduce some of the violence plaguing the capital, the Interior Ministry said Friday.

A U.S. Marine was killed Friday in Anbar province, and an American soldier was killed Thursday evening by a roadside bomb northwest of Baghdad, the military said. Five American soldiers died Thursday, making it an especially bloody day for U.S. forces.

An Iraqi civilian was killed and five others were wounded when a gunman on top of an abandoned building opened fire in a Sunni Arab neighborhood in central Baghdad, said police Lt. Ahmed Mohammed Ali.

The plan to dig trenches around Baghdad will be implemented in coming weeks, Interior Ministry spokesman Brig. Abdul-Kareem Khalaf told The Associated Press.

It comes as more than 130 people were slain in two days - either killed in attacks or tortured and dumped in rivers or on the city's streets.

"Trenches will be dug around Baghdad in the coming weeks when the third part of the Baghdad security plan is implemented," Khalaf said.

Okay so it is not technically a moat, it is a trench. But if you add water what do you have?

A moat!(I wonder if they will add gators?)

How this is going to make Baghdad safer is a little confusing to me. I mean how wide and deep are they planning to make this? If this thing does not smack of desperation then I don't know what does.


  1. The important thing isn't how safe it makes the city. The important thing is how much money contractors make off the project.
    Silly boy.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.