Saturday, September 09, 2006

Senator says Iraq would have been better left in Saddam's hands.

But after 2 1/2 years of reviewing pre-war intelligence behind closed doors, the lead Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, Sen. John Rockefeller of West Virginia, who voted for the Iraq War, says the Bush administration pulled the wool over everyone's eyes.

"The absolute cynical manipulation, deliberately cynical manipulation, to shape American public opinion and 69 percent of the people, at that time, it worked, they said 'we want to go to war,'" Rockefeller told CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. "Including me. The difference is after I began to learn about some of that intelligence I went down to the Senate floor and I said 'my vote was wrong.'"

Rockefeller went a step further. He says the world would be better off today if the United States had never invaded Iraq — even if it means Saddam Hussein would still be running Iraq.

Now that is a powerful statement!

I am very glad to see these Senators coming out and admitting that the Bush administration duped them and that they regret voting for the war in Iraq. I predict we are going to see a lot more of this pretty soon. We may even see Republicans showing some backbone.

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