Monday, September 18, 2006

Sharks now have legs. WTF?

Scientists combing through undersea wonders off Indonesia's Papua province said today they had discovered dozens of new species, including a shark that walks on its fins and a shrimp that looks like a praying mantis.

Erdmann, an American, and his team claim to have discovered 52 new species, including 24 new types of fish, 20 new kinds of coral and eight new species of shrimp.

Among the highlights were an epaulette shark that walks on its fins.

Well this just sucks! For the most part I am pretty fearless, but the two things that I am afraid of are sharks and bears. Now I live in Alaska so the bear thing has been an issue, but I always felt pretty safe from sharks standing on dry land in the middle of Alaska. But now the fuckers can walk! Damn it!

The next thing they will be telling me is that bears can swim.

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