Monday, September 18, 2006

British Army expert says that liquid terror plot was part of a "pattern of lies and deceit."

Lieutenant-Colonel (ret.) Nigel Wylde, a former senior British Army Intelligence Officer, has suggested that the police and government story about the "terror plot" revealed on 10th August was part of a "pattern of lies and deceit."

British and American government officials have described the operation which resulting in the arrest of 24 mostly British Muslim suspects, as a resounding success. Thirteen of the suspects have been charged, and two released without charges.

But Lt. Col. Wylde, who was awarded the Queen's Gallantry Medal for his command of the Belfast Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit in 1974, described this scenario as a "fiction."

Creating liquid explosives is a "highly dangerous and sophisticated task," he states, one that requires not only significant chemical expertise but also appropriate equipment.

"The idea that these people could sit in the plane toilet and simply mix together these normal household fluids to create a high explosive capable of blowing up the entire aircraft is untenable," said Lt. Col. Wylde, who was trained as an ammunition technical officer responsible for terrorist bomb disposal at the Royal Army Ordnance Corps in Sandhurst.

"So who came up with the idea that a bomb could be made on board? Not Al Qaeda for sure. It would not work. Bin Laden is interested in success not deterrence by failure," Wylde stated.

"This story has been blown out of all proportion. The liquids would need to be carefully distilled at freezing temperatures to extract the required chemicals, which are very difficult to obtain in the purities needed."

I posted on August 17th about the possibility of using liquid explosive on a airline. The experts that were questioned for the article I linked to determined that it was highly unlikely and more probably absolutely impossible to make a bomb out of liquid explosives on a plane. You can read that article here.

So who creates these scenarios? I saw a report on CNN about the government calling in writers of fiction to join a think tank to help imagine what al-Qaeda might throw at us next. But what if the scenarios created by these authors were actually being used to create a lie to sell to the American and British public?

I have lost all of my trust in my government. I am constatnly reminded lately of how I viewed our government after Watergate and the Vietnam war debacle. It took along time to start to trust my leaders again, and in five short years, George Bush has singlehandedly destroyed my faith again. For that alone he needs to be impeached!

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