Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ten Nobel Peace Prize winners take aim at US policies.

"Stand up. Take action," said Jody Williams, the 1997 recipient for her work opposing land mines, and the only American to take the stage. "Don't try to bring democracy to people you don't understand through the barrel of a gun and leave them with civil war."

The Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who praised the U.S. for its fight against South Africa's apartheid and its history of justice and democracy, also had stern words for the Bush administration.

"You taught us no government worth its salt can subvert the rule of law. We believed you," he said. "That's part of what you have as a gift for the world. Then how can you commit Guantanamo Bay? Take back your country."

So now it is the smart people of the world against the dumb people of the United States who elected our "idiot in chief". Gee I wonder who will emerge victorious?

I don't know about the rest of you but I am damn sick and tired of being the laughing stock of the world! The Reverend Tutu is right, it is time for us to take our country back.

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