Thursday, September 14, 2006

This book should have been on George Bush's summer reading list.

Dear Mr. President,

It's too bad The Art of War wasn't on your summer reading list. If you'd read it, maybe we wouldn't be mired in Iraq. According to the author, Sun Tzu, esteemed for thousands of years as the Sage of Warfare, you're doing it all wrong.

I opened at random and found this on Page 10: "In war, better take a state intact than destroy it."

Then came a critique of your plan to recall reservists for more tours: "The skillful warrior never conscripts troops a second time." And, "Supplying an army at a distance drains the public coffers. ... Six-tenths are spent on broken chariots, worn-out horses." That last is archaically put, but don't we have thousands of war-wrecked Humvees and tanks now - while short of funds to fix them?

On Page 13, I found: "Treat prisoners of war kindly, and care for them." How does that square with Guantanamo?

Maybe the book does not have enough colorful pictures for our fearful leader to show to Laura?

The other question however is why are the military leaders, who we would assume know better, allow him to make so many mistakes? Are they afraid? Does he just fire them if they dare to question his crayon drawings of his war strategy? I just cannot fathom how they, in good conscience, can keep their mouths shut.

There are a lot of people to blame in this administration. I hope when the Democrats take over that we get a chance to bring them all to justice.

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