Thursday, September 14, 2006

With no more tricks up the administration's sleeves is John Bolton out as ambassador to the UN?

President Bush's nomination of John R. Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations appears increasingly endangered in the Senate, prompting the administration to explore other ways to keep him in the job after his temporary appointment expires in January, officials said yesterday.

The situation represents a sharp turnaround from two weeks ago, when the White House was confident it could finally push through Bolton's long-stalled nomination. But last week's surprise move by Sen. Lincoln D. Chafee (R-R.I.) to delay a vote convinced Republicans on Capitol Hill that the nomination may be doomed, prompting a search for alternatives.

Jon Stewart hit this on the head on last nights "Daily Show". Jon said that it seemed to him that Bush was just terribly competitive. That winning was the most important thing to him which is why he is such a dogged campaigner.

I think that Jon is absolutely correct in his assumption. Bush just needs to win, and not only that, cannot entertain the possiblity that he has lost or is wrong. That is why he never learns from, or admits, his mistakes. No mistakes, no lesson.

So rather then realize that John Bolton may be the worst possible candidate for the UN position, Bush just tries to find a way to "beat the system".

Is this any way to lead a country?

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