Monday, September 18, 2006

US is punishing large groups of Iraqis for the crimes of a few insurgents.

U.S. forces are taking to collective punishment of civilians in several cities across the al-Anbar province west of Baghdad, residents and officials say.

"Ramadi, the capital of al-Anbar province, is still living with the daily terror of its people getting killed by snipers and its infrastructure being destroyed," Ahmad, a local doctor who withheld his last name for security purposes told IPS. "This city has been facing the worst of the American terror and destruction for more than two years now, and the world is silent."

Destroying infrastructure and cutting water and electricity "for days and even weeks is routine reaction to the resistance," he said. "Guys of the resistance do not need water and electricity, it's the families that are being harmed, and their lives which are at stake."
Students and professors at the University of al-Anbar told IPS that their campus is under frequent attack.

"Nearly every week we face raids by the Americans or their Iraqi colleagues," a professor speaking on condition of anonymity told IPS. Students said that U.S. troops occupied their school last week.

Our indefensible clumsiness in how we conduct this war is causing more bad feelings amongst Iraqis, and that only bodes ill for us in the future. We are not capturing hearts and minds, but we are creating hate and suspicion.

I understand that it is incredibly difficult to function militarily in this type of environment but we seem to be doing more harm then good at every opportunity.

We just need to get the hell out of therre and let these people start solving their own problems without our armored vehicles crushing everything under their treads. Who wants to rebuild if the Americans or insurgents are just going to bomb it again anyhow?

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