Friday, September 15, 2006

What was the worst flight you were ever on? Was it so bad that your pilot quit before take off?

Passengers on an airliner bound for Bristol were plunged into panic when their captain refused to fly them home, telling them the aircraft was unsafe. Evening Post readers on board the flight from Antalya in Turkey say a "mini-riot" broke out after the pilot walked into the cabin and made his dramatic announcement, then walked off the plane.

The aircraft, operated by Turkish budget airline Onur Air, was waiting for clearance to take-off.

About 180 passengers are understood to have been aboard the Airbus A321 for 30 minutes in stifling heat, as the air-conditioning was not working.

Passengers reported hearing a "horrendous noise" coming from the engines before the captain, clad in a navy-blue blazer and cap, suddenly came out of the cockpit and stood in the gangway, announcing that he was going to resign.

Now this is why I hate to fly. That and the possiblity of crashing.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Now there's an honest man. Bravo, for putting the safety of the passengers before his own career.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.