Friday, August 31, 2007

Katie Couric is in Baghdad! I am going to protest this horrible injustice by not watching CBS Evening News until they BRING KATIE HOME!

Our little Katie is putting on a brave face but if you read between the lines of her blog post you can feel just how terrified she really is.

When I returned, Phil said, "I'm really glad that's done with." When I asked him why, he said he could tell me now. "That was the one dicey thing you were doing. I was worried that while you were inside, some troublemakers would have time to plan something." Now he tells me.

See? They are purposefully putting the perky one in danger just to attract viewers who think that Katie might get shot full of holes, or blown up! That is just sick!

And you just know that if that happens it will be all over YouTube so that it can emotionally scar thousands of computer savvy kids who have never even heard of a network news program.

If this keeps up I may not watch "Ghost Whisperer" or "Big Brother"either. I won't put "Two and a Half Men" on that list only because I don't think that Jon Cryer should have to suffer as well. (Besides Charley Sheen just slays me!)

Hang in their Katie we are rooting for you! You brave little television personality you!


  1. poor little twinkie...poor thing...

  2. She is anything but a journalist! Yeah what the hell is this little woman of no merits doing in Iraq?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.