Saturday, August 18, 2007

Merv Griffin died a closeted homosexual

Griffin, who died of prostate cancer Sunday at 82, stayed in the closet throughout his life. Perhaps he figured it was preferable to remain the object of gossip rather than live openly as "one of them."

But how tremendously sad it is that a man of Merv's renown, of his gregarious nature and social dexterity, would feel compelled to endure such a stealthy double life even as the gay community's clout, and its levels of acceptance and equality, rose steadily from the ashes of ignorance.

What a powerful message Griffin might have sent had he squired his male companions around town rather than Eva Gabor, his longtime good friend and platonic public pal. Imagine the amount of good Merv could have done as a well-respected, hugely successful, beloved and uncloseted gay man in embodying a positive image.

When I read something as sad as this it just makes me so angry at the people who still seem to believe sexual preference is a choice. If you read about Merv's life it is very clear that he would have had ample opportunity to have many female lovers, but that was not who he was, and there was nothing he could do about that.

So he had to live his life in secret. That just makes me sad for a man, who on the surface seemed to have everything, but who was not allowed to feel accepted because of an accident of birth.

And if the religious conservatives have their way this kind of shame will continue for many decades to come.

1 comment:

  1. it is so one should have to live or die like one...

    and if he was in another country- he would not have have had to live like this.


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