Friday, August 17, 2007

Now here is a consequence of the Iraq and Afghanistan war that even I did not foresee.

Troops training for and fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are firing more than 1 billion bullets a year, contributing to ammunition shortages hitting police departments nationwide and preventing some officers from training with the weapons they carry on patrol.

An Associated Press review of dozens of police and sheriff's departments found that many are struggling with delays of as long as a year for both handgun and rifle ammunition. And the shortages are resulting in prices as much as double what departments were paying just a year ago.

Our police are running out of bullets? Running out of bullets? I am pretty sure that having bullets is a pretty big part of their jobs.

And of course you just know that the criminals are not having the same problem, because that is just the way things go. I cannot help but wonder how this may affect how the police go after bad guys.

"This is the police! Halt or I'll shoot!'
"No you won't. You can't afford to waste the bullet."
"Damn you are right. Well then halt or I will pepper spray your crooked ass!"
"I will take my chances pig!"

Maybe our men in blue can just throw their guns at the bad guys.

It is astounding just how much damage this bullshit war is doing to our country.

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