Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Republicans, who are clearly terrified of getting a little gay on them, call for Larry Craig's resignation.

Idaho Sen. Larry Craig's political support eroded by the hour on Wednesday as fellow Republicans in Congress called for him to resign and party leaders pushed him unceremoniously from senior committee posts.

The White House expressed disappointment, too _ and nary a word of support for the 62-year-old lawmaker, who pleaded guilty earlier this month to a charge stemming from an undercover police operation in an airport men's room.

Craig "represents the Republican Party," said Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Michigan, the first in a steadily lengthening list of GOP members of Congress to urge a resignation.

Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Norm Coleman of Minnesota joined Hoekstra in urging Craig to step down, as did Rep. Jeff Miller of Florida _ and others who joined them as the day wore on.

McCain spoke out in an interview with CNN. "My opinion is that when you plead guilty to a crime, you shouldn't serve. That's not a moral stand. That's not a holier-than-thou. It's just a factual situation."

Coleman said in a written statement, "Senator Craig pled guilty to a crime involving conduct unbecoming a senator."

I do agree with McCain and Coleman that Craig did break the law and therefore needs to leave office. Where I disagree with all of these guys is the underlying theme that being gay is an automatic get out of "politics free card" for Republicans.

It is that very fact which makes somebody like Mr. Craig feel the need to find an outlet for his repressed sexuality in a public restroom. You don't hear about Barney Frank groping somebody under the bathroom stall door in Massachusetts.

Maybe if Craig could have been gay and socially accepted in the Republican party he may not have destroyed his life. Because lets face it, neither McCain nor Mitt Romney would ever let a Republican fag work for their campaign, or appear in a photo op with them. It would screw with their "family values and hate the homosexual"political platform.

By the way here is a YouTube video of "Wide Stance" back in 1982 denying that he was gay during a scandal centering on Congressional Pages that did not even name him as a participant.

Larry Craig, not having sex with men since 1982.

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