Sunday, September 02, 2007

The attack on Iran is definitely going to happen!

This is from a post on Daily Kos.

I have a friend who is an LSO on a carrier attack group that is planning and staging a strike group deployment into the Gulf of Hormuz. (LSO: Landing Signal Officer- she directs carrier aircraft while landing) She told me we are going to attack Iran. She said that all the Air Operation Planning and Asset Tasking are finished. That means that all the targets have been chosen, prioritized, and tasked to specific aircraft, bases, carriers, missile cruisers and so forth.

"I know this will sound crazy coming from a Naval officer", she said. "But we’re all just waiting for this administration to end. Things that happen at the senior officer level seem more and more to happen outside of the purview of XOs and other officers who typically have a say-so in daily combat and flight operations. Today, orders just come down from the mountaintop and there’s no questioning. In fact, there is no discussing it. I have seen more than one senior commander disappear and then three weeks later we find out that he has been replaced. That’s really weird. It’s also really weird because everyone who has disappeared has questioned whether or not we should be staging a massive attack on Iran."

"We’re not stupid. Most of the members of the fleet read well enough to know what is going on world-wise. We also realize that anyone who has any doubts is in danger of having a long military career yanked out from under them. Keep in mind that most of the people I serve with are happy to be a part of the global war on terror. It’s just that the touch points are what we see since we are the ones out here who are supposedly implementing this grand strategy. But when you liason with administration officials who don’t know that Iranians don’t speak Arabic and have no idea what Iranians live like, then you start having second thoughts about whether these Administration officials are even competent."

I asked her about the attack, how limited and so forth.

"I don’t think it’s limited at all. We are shipping in and assigning every damn Tomahawk we have in inventory. I think this is going to be massive and sudden, like thousands of targets. I believe that no American will know when it happens until after it happens. And whatever the consequences, whatever the consequences, they will have to be lived with. I am sure if my father knew I was telling someone in a news organization that we were about to launch a supposedly secret attack that it would be treason. But something inside me tells me to tell it anyway."

You know Chicken Little was absolutely right. The sky really is falling.

This, this is why we did not want impeachment off of the table. And Nancy Pelosi, and the other Democrats, just did not understand how much was at stake. Well they are about to learn just how bad this President can be in spades. And our country will never be the same.

Where in the hell are our leaders! Where are the voices of reason that can stand up to a crazed demagogue and talk him into backing down from a suicidal decision?

Is this why the White House has been hemorrhaging staff? Is all of this just too much for even his most loyal sycophants to stomach? If that is true then they are cowards! They should have talked themselves hoarse trying to dissuade him, and failing that have gone on every news program and brought this insane plan to light! I mean for fucks sake give us a chance to stop him!


  1. Praise the jesus and moses!!

    Sorry, I just find these things too agonizing to read these days :))

  2. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I hear you Gryphen. These are exactly the thoughts that keep me up at night. I think maybe if I don't sleep, I won't have to wake up & find insanity has been unleashed overnight. I put nothing past these bastards. ~~ D.K.

  3. Curious, the story at Kos is gone.


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