Sunday, September 02, 2007

My letter to Nancy Pelosi.

I am sure that you must know that President Bush intends to invade Iran. He is amassing forces even as we speak. He has sent his sycophants on to various news shows to accuse Iran of a variety of crimes, most of which we all know are fabrications.

If you have any doubts about the veracity of my statements then perhaps you should read this:

We, the American people, have been calling for the impeachment of George Bush. But you decided it was "off the table". You acted as if there was time to just wait the President out until his term ended and then move on from there.

But we knew that was not true. We knew that he was going to keep destroying our country bit by bit, until he was stopped. And the attacking of Iran, with our military so depleted, and the middle east unified against us, will see the last bit of us destroyed.

And the fault for this final act of suicide is not just George Bush's alone. It is yours.

Only you and the Congress had the power to stop him, or at least occupy his last days in office with defending himself instead of attacking a country full of people who made the mistake of being born in the wrong country and into the wrong religion.

I,and many others, will work tirelessly to see that you are defeated in your next bid for re-election. You have betrayed us when we needed you most. And for that, you will never be forgiven.

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