Tuesday, January 29, 2008

2008 is going to suck for FOX News. Bummer.

Bottom line is that Fox News is in for a very rough 2008. And the umbrella reason for that is quite simple: Eight years ago the all-news cable channel went all-in on the presidency of George Bush and became a broadcast partner with the White House. Proof of that was on display Sunday night, January 27, during Fox News' prime-time, "Fighting to the Finish," an "historic documentary" on the final year of Bush's presidency. Filmed in HD and featuring "unprecedented access," according to the Fox News press release, the show was pure propaganda. (I must have missed Fox News' "Fighting to the Finish" special back in 2000, chronicling the conclusion of President Bill Clinton's second term and his "extraordinarily consequential tenure.")

The point is that Fox News years ago made an obvious decision to appeal almost exclusively to Republican viewers. The good news then for Fox News was that it succeeded. The bad news now for Fox News is that it succeeded.

Oh I hope that this is accurate, I would love to see FOX get its just rewards.

Of course we all know that if Hillary were to get elected that FOX's ratings would go through the roof again. There are a lot of Hillary haters out there.

Just one more reason to get Obama in the White House.



  1. oh my sniff sniff...

    so hard not being the Propaganda Kings...oh the woe...

    { oh the irony....my word verification has "puke" in it}

  2. Well that sounds appropriate.

  3. yeah...it was eeire...

    and now my word verification is


    ???? really good Virtual Band ???

    sigh...off to buy cat food in 60 MPH...

    just wanted to let you know, I am not livebloggin the repug debate....too tired and a bit down...gonna watch Keith instead...

    later ;-)

  4. You have given enough.

    Take a much deserved break and let Keith's words soothe your troubled brow.

    Got a little poetic there.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.