Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Republicans are absolutely terrified of Obama.

Really, watch: if this man gets his party's nomination, he's going to be the next president. By a landslide. And he is going to transform this country. If I were a Republican, I'd be very, very afraid. Oh wait, I am a Republican. Dang. Lord have mercy, I wish that man were a conservative. Because there's no doubt in my mind about what he can accomplish for liberalism if he's elected. You've heard of Reagan Democrats? Barack Obama is the Democrats' Reagan.

I think most of us have already reached this conclusion ourselves.

The Republicans are comparing Obama to Reagan, and the Democrats are comparing him to Kennedy, is there really any doubt that he is the real thing?


  1. you are not a Repug...what are you saying ????

    ( you gave me a heartattack)

  2. No that is taken from the website that I linked to.

    If it is in italics they are not my thoughts.

  3. oh...ugh...I am an idiot....

    ( I got NO sleep thank you BIG BADASS Storms here....so sorry I am sleep deprived....)

    I was sooooo confused...but I was confused about a lot of things today ;-(

  4. no worries...I will sleep tonight...hopefully....


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It just goes directly to their thighs.