Sunday, January 27, 2008

Clinton compares Obama's candidacy to Jesse Jackson's failed campaigns.

Said Bill Clinton today in Columbia, SC: "Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in '84 and '88. Jackson ran a good campaign. And Obama ran a good campaign here."

This was in response to a question from ABC News' David Wright about it taking "two Clintons to beat" Obama. Jackson had not been mentioned.

Boy, I can't understand why anyone would think the Clintons are running a race-baiting campaign to paint Obama as "the black candidate."

Obama has done everything he can to keep his candidacy above such petty dirty tricks as race baiting, or character assassinations, or comparing his opponents to other failed Presidential wannabes.

But Bill Clinton has continued to try and define Obama's campaign in ways that make it easier to dismiss or attack. Bill wants us to think Obama is just another uppity black man who dares to want what has always been the white politicians holy grail.

Essentially Clinton is demonstrating his innate racism and his unmistakable jealousy.

Bill Clinton, the "first black President", is about to have that title and his prestige ripped from his clutching hands and he is desperate to keep that from happening. This is not about Hiallry at all. This is all about Bill and his ego.


  1. unreal how the Clintons are acting..esp Bill.....HOW can he say stuff like that and NOT sound racist ?

    AND WHY does HE want the Whitehouse Back So badly ? WHY?

  2. Maybe he left his cuff links in the master bedroom and is desperate to retrieve them.

    Just a thought.

  3. naaaaa....
    He left those over at the Watergate....visiting his "intern"...

    ( okay...I can see your mouth hanging open...yeah, that is where she had her Place....just down the hall on Floor 7 from Bob Dole.....yeah....that should have been a clue to Bill that Dallying with her was NOT a good idea....)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.