Sunday, January 27, 2008

Have you heard Barack Obama's South Carolina victory speech? If you have not, do yourself a favor and listen to it here.

Part two.

In my humble opinion if this speech does not inspire you then you may have some severe damage to your central nervous system. Have it checked out immediately.

Every four years we hope for the candidate that will really make us proud to be Americans, the candidate that deserves our support above all others, the candidate that allows us to dream of a better future. Well you just listened to that candidate speak. What happens next is up to you.


  1. Thank you for posting this...
    I love what you wrote here....

    thank you....

    this is History....

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Anybody can talk. What exactly has he done?

  3. He has done are welcome to go to his website and read all about him...
    He has worked very hard for over 20 years giving back to his Community and his Country...OUR Country...

    He has worked as a Community organizer, a Civil Rights Attorney, and also as a Legislator and Representitive in Illinois , working with poor and disenfranchsised in Chicago and then Illinois....
    Then he went to DC and Continued this work on a Bigger scale working in the Senate.....( His website also includes all info on Bills etc).

    The BEST way to get to KNOW him is his Books, "Dreams of My Father", written 10 years ago, and then "The Audacity of Hope", both are written from the heart, but also Eloquent....

    And just to let you know , NO, NOT EVERYONE can speak...Our Current Regime Leader is an Example of someone that murders the English Language daily....He does not just speak to the Issues, he speaks to US, WE THE PEOPLE, like NO ONE has in many many is WHY great leaders and many Fine Newspapers are Endorsing him, they recognize Greatness in his Speechs and MORE than just words....Courage....Conviction....and Change.

    Thank you for letting me say that Gryphen...I will put the Soapbox back on the way out the door..


  4. Correction:
    Obama does not only speak to the Issues, he speaks to US....and allows us to be a part of the process....sorry for the confusion...
    ( I tried to edit the preview- but something went wrong...)

    thank you.

  5. Oh one more thing-
    I forgot...BUT he also taught Constitutional Law for 10 years....gee..that should help us find our Way Back to the Constitution....


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