Friday, January 11, 2008

A Daily Show with Jon Stewart finally made me laugh.

You know at first I was somewhat underwhelmed by the return of both Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Their shows were a little flat and lacking in humor. Almost as if they did not have any help putting them together. Just very unprofessional in my estimation.

And because of that I did not place any of their video on my site, which I have done frequently in the past.

And the reason is because this site is all about quality.

Whether it be the quality posting of news items with some vaguely descriptive words to catch the casual visitors interest. Or the quality rabid rants that I occasionally embark on concerning impeachment, Iran, or that horrible Hillary woman. Or the quality lame attempts at humor that I sometimes drunkenly post to feed my subconscious desire to compete with Stewart and Colbert. (Now that you have no writers it's a level playing field bitches!)

The point is that as the creator, and sole contributor, and some days sole visitor to this site, I have a responsibility to only post interesting humorous informative content.

So with that unnecessarily long explanation I am happy to announce that with Jon being funny again, and my not having anything else to post this morning, I have brought you another segment of "A Daily Show with Jon Stewart". Enjoy.

1 comment:

Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.