Thursday, January 10, 2008

Former FOX News architect says that "The best thing that ever happened to Roger Ailes was 9/11".

The best thing that ever happened to Roger Ailes was 9/11. Even Roger Ailes, Machiavellian as he was, couldn’t have dreamed up anybody as fabulous as Usama bin Laden (Allah told Roger to spell it Usama), or UBL, as Fox News called him. Because somebody up there, or down there, loved Roger, 9/11 happened on his watch. It gave him the opportunity to throw gasoline on the bonfire he had already set to scorch and destroy traditional liberal values. For those of you under 50, the United States once had liberal values. There was even such a thing as liberal Republicans. That’s enough of that, because I know talking about the Devil’s spawn and blond big-boobed temptresses is far more interesting. But hang on a bit.

Actually 9-11 was beneficial to a whole slew of properly positioned people.

Dick Cheney got rich.

Rudy Giuliani got famous.

George Bush almost attained kinghood.

And FOX News ratings went through the roof.

Oh yeah and tinfoil sales have never been better!

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