Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dirty tricks, voter suppression, vicious political attacks, is this the work of Karl Rove? Close, it is Hillary Clinton.

The headlines say the latest schism among the top Democratic presidential candidates is over gender and race. But on the ground in the presidential season's opening states, there is a darker narrative: that Hillary Clinton will not just fight hard, but fight dirty, to win. And her tactic of choice is attempting to suppress the votes of her rival's supporters.

The latest example is from Nevada, where the Nevada State Education Association is widely seen as filing a suit on Clinton's behalf to stop Las Vegas' most powerful union, Culinary Workers Local 226, from caucusing inside downtown casinos after the union endorsed Barack Obama. The tactic foments a split along racial and class lines in arguably the strongest union city in America.

"It's horrible," said one longtime Nevada activist, who didn't want his name used. "It will cause fights and damage that will last for years."

But the Clinton campaign has made similar moves in New Hampshire and Iowa.

Will somebody please find out where Karl Rove is?

This simply cannot just be a coincidence!

1 comment:

  1. he is "working on his book" (cough cough,....)

    And remember when he left , he stood next to Bush and said he was going to be doing "alot of DOVE HUNTING"....*wink wink nod nod...*


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