Thursday, January 17, 2008

The White House asked the CIA not to destroy the torture tapes. And if you believe this I have a "bridge to nowhere" to sell you.

The former Central Intelligence Agency official who authorized the destruction in 2005 of videotapes documenting harsh interrogation of detainees from Al Qaeda gave the order despite apparently being directed to preserve the tapes, the senior Republican on the House Intelligence Committee said Wednesday.

Representative Peter Hoekstra, Republican of Michigan, said Jose A. Rodriguez Jr., head of the C.I.A.’s clandestine service at the time, had not “gotten authority from anyone” to destroy the tapes.

“Matter of fact, it appears that he got direction to make sure the tapes were not destroyed,” he said.

I cannot even imagine who would be stupid enough to believe this drivel. There is no way that the CIA, on its own, destroyed those tapes. The CIA is not in the business of going against the directions of the Executive office. If they were to truly do that you can bet they would be punished aggressively.

The White House is just continuing its scapegoating of the CIA which they began after they failed to find the WMD's in Iraq. Bad intelligence my ass!

All you have to do to figure out who is responsible is to determine who has the most to lose if the tapes are made public. The CIA can take a spanking and keep right on doing their jobs. But the Administration has suffered multiple setbacks and is struggling to preserve their place in history.

Oh, you can also ask yourself who has been caught destroying other potentially damaging documents. Any questions?

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