Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Edwards drops out.

This breaks my heart a little. Edwards was my original choice for reaching the White House, and I still think of him as one half of the perfect ticket.

I hope that he and Elizabeth take some time to be alone, just the two of them with their kids, and take pride in waging an amazing campaign. If this campaign had not had such an incredible field of history making candidates John would have been the one to beat all the way to the convention. But John is at a disadvantage in this race. But that was not his fault, he is an admirable man, and worthy of leading this country.

I hope that his gifts and potential are recognized by the person who eventually does make it to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Edwards is an invaluable resource and a powerful advocate for the poor. Don't let those gifts go to waste.

1 comment:

  1. really nice tribute to a great candidate..

    and very sad....

    I wish he would indeed endorse Obama...

    and I hope that he is indeed involved with the Next Administration- someone that cares that much and wants to solve problems - we NEED that....Our Country still needs him....

    Thank you again...and thank you for putting his speech up- no one reaired it....


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