Wednesday, January 30, 2008

We may have an insight into what kind of President Obama will be by what kind of candidate he has been.

"I had just been asked a question -- I don't remember which one -- and Obama was sitting right next to me. Then the moderator went across the room, I think to Chris Dodd, so I thought I was home free for a while. I wasn't going to listen to the next question. I was about to say something to Obama when the moderator turned to me and said, 'So, Gov. Richardson, what do you think of that?' But I wasn't paying any attention! I was about to say, 'Could you repeat the question? I wasn't listening.' But I wasn't about to say I wasn't listening. I looked at Obama. I was just horrified. And Obama whispered, 'Katrina. Katrina.' The question was on Katrina! So I said, 'On Katrina, my policy . . .' Obama could have just thrown me under the bus. So I said, 'Obama, that was good of you to do that.'"

It is clear that as a candidate Obama has been a man of integrity and compassion.

There is also a story that MSNBC's David Shuster tells about John Edwards coming up to Barack after a rather lackluster performance in the first half of a debate and telling him to "get in the game".

Both of these individuals have shown a lot of class during this contentious primary. We would be lucky to get either one of them, and truly blessed to get them both.

1 comment:

  1. I hope and pray that Edwards and Obama team up....they would be an Amazing Force to be reckoned with.....and they both care about the same issues...

    I heard that Richardson story and was so moved- he is all class...and grace..and has a Code...

    I did not know the Other story you mention...
    but it sounds like they were trying to help each other....
    Edwards is suspending his Campaign - this gives him time to realign his staff if needed....

    Also he and Obama have indeed been talking on the phone...last night and this morning...

    Edwards makes his announcement this afternoon at 1pm....


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