Thursday, January 10, 2008

I am not really sure who this helps.

Barack Obama is being endorsed by fellow Sen. John Kerry, the Democrats' 2004 presidential nominee who lost to George W. Bush that year with John Edwards as his running mate and gave up his own plans for a 2008 run a year ago.

My guess is that both Hillary and Edwards are breathing a sigh of relief that he did not try to tie this albatross of an endorsement around their political necks.

Oh well, Barack is virtually bullet proof right now and this will not even make a dent.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what the point was...but I did think , isn't it odd that NO one has come to endorse Hill- no other Women senators? or women reps? or really any of the NY team ?

    it is really odd...

    ( and Biden and Dodd told their supporters in Iowa to support Obama)


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