Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I swear I thought of this first.

I have a lot of truly inspired ideas. No really.

And I have often thought about how odd it was to have a medication that kept my legs from wanting to move. And when I read the list of possible side effects. That made it simply hysterical.

I meant to write a blog post about it, but never got around to it. And now it is too late. Because Jon Stewart read my mind, and improved on my idea, and put it on his show.

It is very funny and I cannot feel bad that I did not write it first because to be honest Jon did a better job then I would have. So here is the video from last night's show. Enjoy.


  1. can't watch because I recorded it & intend to watch the whole show in a few minutes. and now you've given it away! waaaah ... well, I believe you, that you did think of it first. With the writer's strike going on, Stewart has probably been mining the universal thought stream & picked up on your brain wave. or something.

  2. OK, now that I've seen it, I can say, it's moments like these that make me want to nominate Jon Stewart for President! Who else could assemble a formidable voting bloc of Gamblers and Jimmy Legs?

    That restless leg thing can be pretty funny, especially when both spouses and their dogs are all doing it at the same time in their sleep. All chasing rabbits?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.