Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rep Robert Wexler takes to the House floor. He says the case to impeach Dick Cheney is "far stronger then Watergate."

Tomorrow, I will deliver these names to my colleagues on the Judiciary Committee with a letter to my friend, Chairman Conyers, calling for hearings. I will ask my colleagues to sign this letter … Continuing every day for months, I will publish in the Congressional Record several thousand names of supporters who signed up.

History demands that we take action, because the case against Vice President Cheney is far stronger than the illegality surrounding Watergate.

There are 190,000 signatures at Wexler's website supporting the impeachment of Dick Cheney. If you have missed this historic opportunity to be counted as an American who supports justice and democracy in this country then I urge you to visit this website and add your name to the list.

It is well past time for us to hold these bastards accountable for what they did to our nation.

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