Thursday, January 31, 2008

If the goal of the surge was to increase the number of suicides among the active duty military then it has indeed been working.

Suicides among active-duty soldiers in 2007 reached their highest level since the Army began keeping such records in 1980, according to a draft internal study obtained by The Washington Post. Last year, 121 soldiers took their own lives, nearly 20 percent more than in 2006.

At the same time, the number of attempted suicides or self-inflicted injuries in the Army has jumped sixfold since the Iraq war began. Last year, about 2,100 soldiers injured themselves or attempted suicide, compared with about 350 in 2002, according to the U.S. Army Medical Command Suicide Prevention Action Plan.

I have said it before but it bears repeating, that it seems for all the world as if George W. Bush has been trying to destroy our American fighting force since he first came to office.

I am simply amazed that a man with John McCain's background has not slammed the policies of this administration utilizing every media outlet at his disposal until he has shamed them into bringing these brave men and women home.

I guess the siren song of a potential Presidency is too loud for him to hear his conscience.


  1. It is actually even worse than this-
    these are just ACTIVE duty numbers- they do not count the ones that have ended duty or discharged-
    please see my posts on this from Decemeber-
    the ACTUAL numbers of suicides are over 6000....and those are totals from 2003-2006-
    I fear they are much higher...
    so actually they are coming HOME and DYING here- and not even really counted as casualty MORE than the Iraq War Mortality Rate- they survive Iraq- but kill themselves at home...that shows HOW BAD the pain is....

    and I also have been researching "accident" rate at home....very high so far- going state by state- most invove alcohol and newly returned from Iraq- here in Ohio...atleast 6 last year..single car accidents...trees...I just started tracking off the news.....awful....

    But that fucking Surge is working great.....

  2. Okay this has been bugging said it was too loud for him to hear his conscience...but I don't think he has one- not really.....

    okay I said I wrote about suicides and PTSD and the VETS- but it was in November ( not December) Nov15-18th...thanks...

  3. And today the Surge is working even better....two mentally disabled women were SET off by remote bombers killing, maiming and harming many in Baghdad Market...


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