Thursday, January 31, 2008

Poor countries + primitive superstitions = death of innocents.

A former priest began a seven-year jail term Wednesday for murdering a young nun during an exorcism ritual when she was bound, chained to a cross and denied food and water for days.

Irina Cornici, 23, died from dehydration, exhaustion and suffocation during an ordeal that stunned Romania and prompted the Orthodox Church to promise reforms and psychological tests to screen potential clergy.

The former priest, Daniel Corogeanu, and four nuns were all convicted and sentenced in September but Corogeanu was freed pending an appeal, which he lost Tuesday. He was picked up by police in the remote northeast Wednesday and sent to jail.

Cornici, who had previously been treated for schizophrenia, had believed she heard the devil talking to her. Corogeanu and the four nuns decided to try an exorcism ritual in June 2005 using techniques that the Romanian Orthodox Church condemned as "abominable".

Faith without knowledge is a dangerous combination in any country, but in a place as steeped in ancient superstitions as Romania it makes a poisonous combination.

It is almost embarrassing to share the planet with these backward thinking fools.

I feel terrible for the young woman who was victimized for having a problem that could have been easily addressed by mental health professionals.

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