Friday, January 25, 2008

In light of recent events it is probably not all that surprising that Bill Clinton is a Karl Rove fan.

Just days after the November 2004 election, Bill Clinton pulled Rove aside at the dedication of the William J. Clinton Presidential Library in Arkansas. "Hey, you did a marvelous job, it was just marvelous what you did," Clinton told Rove, according to the book "The Way to Win: Taking the White House in 2008," by John F. Harris and Mark Halperin. "I want to get you down to the library. I want to talk politics with you. You just did an incredible job, and I'd like to really get together with you and I think we could have a great conversation."

The Clinton's. much like Karl Rove, believe that all is fair in love, war, and politics.

But for those of us who are looking for an inspirational, honest, ethical leader, the Clinton's present a frightening possibility. The possibility that in their zeal to win at all cost, the cost may in fact be the very integrity of the Democratic party.

Rove famously has used every dirty trick imaginable to get his man elected, deflect criticism by the media and others, and attempt to have history destroyed or rewritten to cover his tracks. He is a man who will stop at nothing to win.

I think the very fact that Bill Clinton finds this admirable tells us much about his character.

We are disgusted and angered by Karl Rove, but Bill Clinton is inspired.

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh yes...another night to sit and do Mylanta shooters ...thank you Bill and Karl....urgh...


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