Saturday, January 26, 2008

It is South Carolina's moment in the sun.

Obama, an Illinois senator, gained two points on Clinton overnight to lead 41 percent to 26 percent just hours before voting began in Saturday's primary. John Edwards was in third place after slipping two points to 19 percent.

So here we are at the beginning. Once again the polls show Obama dramatically ahead, just like in New Hampshire. If things turn out differently then the polls predict, or Hillary somehow closes the gap to win, then we know that something stinks in South Carolina.

I did not buy the first dramatic shift in New Hampshire, I don't think even the most unaware Luddite will believe such a thing can happen twice.

If anything I predict that John Edwards will chip away at Hillary's numbers and take second place away from her. And won't that be fun?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Check out and get my impressions on the SC Democratic primary. Also vote in my poll and send me a comment.


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