Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Is Clinton testing John Edwards integrity?

The nasty spat between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama last night sure created fireworks, but after the debate attention turned to an offstage encounter, between Clinton and former senator John Edwards.

According to eyewitnesses, they both walked out of their green rooms after the debate and agreed to talk, then went behind closed doors in Edwards's green room.

Clinton left 20 minutes later. No word on the subject matter, but as Edwards struggles in the polls with no wins to date, his post-campaign strategy is surely in the air.

If Edwards decides to throw his lot in with Hillary then I will have been completely snookered by him. It would be the biggest political betrayal since Clinton sabotaged his Presidency for a blow job.

It would be the smart thing for Hillary to do, but it would destroy the Democratic party in my opinion and open it up to actually losing in the 2008 election.

Edwards and Obama are virtual bloodbrothers in how they see the future of this country. Together they could stroll into the White House and really make the changes that they have both been promising.

If Edwards thinks he will have any significant role as Hillary Clinton's Vice President then he must never have even heard of Bill Clinton. He will be used as window dressing and nothing more. Maybe he should have a sit down with Al Gore before he makes any decision.

I think my stomach hurts now.


  1. I answered this question about THE meeting...come on back to Watergate Summer...I don't think it is GOOD news for Hill....I gave it alot of thought....after reading alot of papers today and talking to some folks...

  2. I don't think Edwards would EVER accept VP, either for Obama or Clinton. My perception is he is running for president at a time when his wife is ill because she & he decided this was his chance to make a difference & her illness should not affect that. If he's not viable for president, I think he would & should use his delegates to affect the convention. But I don't see VP. What I could imagine is Atty Genl, because that is right up his ally & puts him in the RFK role against the mob, only he would be taking on corporate powers. But for Hill vs Obama? What a gut-wrencher.

  3. Would Edwards VP for Hill ? NOPE.....no way...I don't see it happening...no way...

    I actually think he would for Obama....
    ( BTW I went back and checked the policies that she said she and Edwards were on the same page- I don't know WHAT she is reading...but it is NOT so....esp about Iraq and healthcare....)

    I think Edwards is smart enough ( who isn't after watching Cheney-) to know that VP is not a peon job after all...about AG- I think he knows that his attorney days are over....that he is Called to work for the people now- he and Elizabeth are both set on this as a Mission....

    Edwards is smart enough to see a Manipulative Woman for what she is...

  4. Many times it is that #2 position (VP) that becomes the clencher for voters in deciding who they will support. Except for getting Bush to support him after the fact, I think Cheney's unprecedented power is purely a result of his grabbing it, not even making the lame attempt to do so legally that Bush has by constantly flinging around the concept of The Unitary President. Post-Cheney, the next VP will be back to Sq 1, and so the power struggle begins again (unless they are content to attend state funerals & bang a gavel in the senate once in awhile). Before Cheney, Gore was considered the most powerful VP ever.

    I agree, no Edwards VP for Hill, but also still think no VP for him either. Believe me, I'd love to be wrong! And as far as AG, well, it's less the atty role that I can imagine him in (although AG is really more DA than defense trial atty), it's as the Head of Justice Dept, which I believe still controls FBI (esp wiretapping) and ATF&E. I'm still playing around with that idea in my head.

    BTW, is it possible that he & Obama had a similar meeting & Obama wasn't interested in him? That might explain the Hillary meeting -- not to my satisfaction, but might explain it.


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