Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Are you a little confused about the controversy over Barack Obama's "present" votes while in the Illinois state senate? This might help.

Voting Present in the State Legislature is Used as A Signal to the Other Party, Not As a Way to Duck the Issue. “An aspect of Obama’s State Senate voting record that is drawing attention is his “present” votes. A present vote is a third option to an up or down “yes” or “no” that is used with great frequency in the Illinois General Assembly. It has many varied and nuanced meanings that, in the context of the actual bills, border on boring. It’s most important use is as a signal – to the other party, to the governor, to the sponsor – to show a willingness to compromise on the issue if not the exact bill, to show disapproval for one aspect of the bill, to question the constitutionality of the bill, to strengthen the bill.

I was a little disappointed that Edwards also jumped on this issue. I hold him to a higher standard and don't want to see him misrepresenting anybody's record, especially Obamas.

Maybe John Edwards really did not understand the significance of the present vote.


  1. 160 Presents out of 4000 votes....it is also about when bills need to be re-written and worked on....a way to signal...
    if Hill had not been there mis-representing he would have been able to ask- and he did try to ask questions- except she was busy interjecting her judgemental self...

    Today Obama Put together a TRUTH Squad - that indeed makes her look like a lying Harpy- which is what SHE is....

  2. I actually thought Edwards threw that question to Obama to give him an opening to answer it more fully. It was a bit complicated for a 60-sec response, but I got the drift. I didn't see it as critical of Obama, just asking him to make it clearer, because the way he & Hill had left the subject, it was making him look bad.

  3. Oh I like the way you think d.k.

    Maybe you are right.

  4. I rewatched the debate- and she is dead on, and Edwards is very much trying to understand the process- the 130 votes for present out of 4000, and What Present means there for that process...also they completely discuss it- and Obama turns his back to Hill, it is very interesting- and DK is right....it was done so that it was not left on the table in the wrong light.....

    ( BTW that also was relooked at in Chicago Times and the WAPO yesterday- and she got TWO pincochio's for it- that means she Kind of Lied.....she also was scored on the slumlord assertion)

    BTW: I posted Somewhere...and I don't know where- I think it was at DK...that on MLK day John and Obama were at 2 or3 different KING events- ON the Stage Together- yes, together....and at the one I read Hill came after they had already left...I find this interesting- as this also was the same day that Edwards was given that letter of Honor from MLKIII.....( so this might also mean Someone or Some People are looking at them Together- and how are they recieved together....very interesting- there were Writeups - but only in SC papers- I think one was even written from Georgia- but atleast in the South.....they are indeed being seen together...)


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