Monday, January 14, 2008

John Edwards takes issue with Hillary's racist remarks.

Democrat John Edwards on Sunday waded into a dispute between his rivals, criticizing comments by Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband that some have considered disparaging to Barack Obama and black people generally.

"I must say I was troubled recently to see a suggestion that real change that came not through the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King but through a Washington politician. I fundamentally disagree with that," Edwards told more than 200 people gathered at a predominantly black Baptist church.

Sen. Hillary Clinton recently was quoted as saying King's dream of racial equality was realized only when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, while Bill Clinton said Obama was telling a "fairy tale" about his opposition to the Iraq war.

"Those who believe that real change starts with Washington politicians have been in Washington too long and are living a fairy tale," he said.

"As someone who grew up in the segregated South, I feel an enormous amount of pride when I see the success that Senator Barack Obama is having in this campaign," said Edwards. He the added, with a laugh: "Some days I wish he was having a little less success."

Damn, he is going to make a great Vice President!

I don't know who is helping the Clinton's write their speeches and talking points (Rove?), but they just did the Obama campaign a huge favor.


  1. Great post...thank you...

    Hillary is pathetic...I rewatched the tape this am,with BET's MrJohnson- and unreal that she sat there and was a party to what he did to Obama, by sitting there letting him go on and on , implying that Obama was black man with questionable morals and past....Shame on her....

    Edwards...bless him for doing the Right Thing and going to the churchs and speaking the truth, and being undaunted by Hillary's Attack machine.....

    ( BTW on MSNBC this am, it was very very apparent that the Clintons are working hard to disparage and try to ruin Obama's community work and reputation....and they are actively seeking people that can ruin his disgusting...)

    ( a part of me wonders about the timing...did Edwards know about the johnson attack at the same time- serendipity if he didn't ....just good intuition on his part that he knew WHEN to speak up....I am very curious to see the debate.....esp since it is now apparent that Russert is not shying from the issue....)

    ( Also I watched the Hill/Johnson tape...and audience is not as moved by him as the Media would want us to think....I also have friends in my neighborhood that said he most likely got paid or"rewarded" in some way....they also pointed out that as far as "morals " go he is very much disresepected for WHAT he shows on one neighbor called him a "clown" - said he "is worse than Chris Matthews.".....sorry...but I did have to chuckle)

  2. {{{{ BTW Hill can try to deny the Johnson remarks- but little kids ( unfortunately white) are holding HILLARY SIGNS BEHIND JOHNSON'S HEAD....Shame on her}}}}

  3. I really hoped that this Democratic nomination process would be free from dirty politics and would focus on what they would do better then the Bush administration.

    But I am not surprise that it was the Clinton's who took the low road first. I wonder if they realize they are sacrificing their good reputations and legacy for one more shot at the White House.

    How much love do you think the African American community will have for them now?

  4. Well...I think there is indeed trouble...
    Donna Bazelle on CNN this weekend- who has been a staunch supporter for a very long time...and she was not feeling the love...nope..she was pretty mad actually...

    Now in my neighborhood....which is very diverse...and people were one older neighbor had a few things to say, and then there was Carmelita- and I told her I was bummed- and she said,'Why, because they are not playing fair ? oh come on...the only person that has painted them as this big Friend to the Black People is THEM....not us.....Tell me Just HOW MANY Black people did they have in their cabinet ?? .....yeah, can't think of any , can you ???? And btw, did they think we didn't notice they had a REAL problem with Rwanda - like noticing it was genocide ?'s gonna take more than them showing up at a couple of Funerals ( like Rosa Parks) for us to feel the "love" and vote for Mrs. Clinton"

    I stood there totally stunned....Carmelita is about 30ish, and single mom....and when she and there were 3 other women standing there nodding with her...

    ( BTW she said" Barack is the Real Deal"..." I saw the MLK films....I always Knew I would KNOW it when I saw it...she got an "amen" on that one....)

    okay...that is just me...listening in C-Town....

  5. I'm not a Hillary hater or supporter in fact I'm for Obama and hope who ever wins can bring this country together. As an African-American i found absolutely nothing wrong with her statement, it;s true, MLK's dream would be nothing but a dream if it had not been for LBJ being in office at the time.
    As for the Clinton Cabinet you've forgotten about people such as Ron brown Sec of Commerce, Mike Espy Sec of Agriculture oh let's not forget the other minority people's example Donna Shalala.

  6. There was also a Surgeon General named Jocelyn Elders (drummed out by those who couldn't stand hearing about masturbation & condoms). And about Rwanda, let's not forget the whole repub blow-job machine hampering the Clinton presidency so he couldn't move in any direction without being accused of wagging the dog ... as he was in Bosnia & also attempting to take out OBLadin & AlQ. Listen, I have no beef with Bill (or not much), it's Hillary & her repub-values (holdover from childhood & college?), that I'm not supporting. She is dead wrong that MLK's dream wouldn't have happened without LBJ. The riots over segregation were already happening under JFK & Atty Genl RFK had already had to resort to Natl Guard to subdue racists like Geo Wallace. So things were already happening at the national level before LBJ. I'm not denigrating the one thing LBJ did that I agree with, either. But the way I see it, LBJ wouldn't have had that one thing to hang his legacy on without MLK.

  7. The thing about LBJ , he really had to sign the needed legislation at the time, the process started under JFK , and he knew he could not drop the mantle and promises and dialogue that started under the time he came to be president the Movement had swelled to the Millions...

    And by then the Anti War effort was also swelling, so politically Lynden Johnson actually needed Calm on ONE front...even if just in appearences....the heat was on...Important to note , that he had a working relationship with MLK, and needed that relationship......

    To Glen Ford:
    I am sorry I forgot about Ron Brown...I think he died in a plane crash ...I am sorry I do remember Dr.Elders( who was removed, and actually was not that bad...but she is a taboo mention on my neighborhood...and the other names you mention- I will look up...because I really don't remember....) I do think that Carmelita's point was that Memorable People of Diverse background were not part of the Leadership....

    About Hillary it is not just Her Statement- it was her actions- esp the Speech she gave at an event with Bob Johnson event---it was disgusting...and her signs were behind his speech and she was present...and she did also put MLK in a whole different light- and it was not respectful....
    ( and what her one assistant did poking the "drug" issue- lifeless carcass of an issue...I was also disgusted by now it is a Series of Events, and dog whistle moments .....that she can claim that she has Done Nothing wrong..)

    I just wanted a CLEAN race...on ISSUES...not personal attacks..

  8. Wow I am impressed with how well this thread filled out. So many intelligent people having a civil and informative discussion is really gratifying.

    I am hearing much about how Obama is also engaging in these ugly smear tactics, but I am only aware of one side getting dirty, and that is Hillary and Bill.

    Obama has rightfully pointed out that he spoke out against the vote to allow Bush to invade Iraq. Let us be real here, that is THE issue right now. Literally EVERYTHING that we are suffering from right now is connected to that one stupid decision. High gas prices, a broken military, an impending recession, our national reputation in tatters, all of it is linked to the decision to invade Iraq.

    How could a Presidential candidate not be proud that he was not part of that? I knew it was stupid and will tell ANYBODY who gives me an opening.

    Hillary is using old school attack politics at a time when we are looking for a new start. Is there really any more room for debate?

  9. okay so 6-6 weighed in on all this
    here is what he said
    " Hmm, I call it the Hillbilly Express ....somewhere along the way, they took a BIG Right turn...."

    I asked " do you think they took the LOW road?"

    6-6" Noo, I think they have ended up in a Ditch with their wheels off the Bus"....

    that says it all.....from my teenager who would give anything to VOTE....for Obama...

  10. BTW I forgot to say this...
    thank you for giving some credit to Edwards...and doing it in such a nice way....BUT....the MSM did not mention it at ALL....barely a whisper of it...shame on them...and thank heavens we have bloggers like you....

  11. Aw shucks! Tweren't nothin.


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