Monday, January 14, 2008

Real Clear Politics has the 2008 Democratic nomination charts online.

South Carolina

Obama 44%
Clinton 31%
Edwards 15.3%


Obama 29%
Clinton 47.8%
Edwards 10.8%


Obama 30.8%
Clinton 29.2%
Edwards 26%

But look at New Hampshire.

New Hampshire

Obama 38.3%
Clinton 30%
Edwards 18.3%


I think we all need to keep a careful eye on what happens in South Carolina. I don't think that Hillary's tears will work again, if they in fact worked the first time.

If the numbers are screwed up again we know that somebody is stealing yet another election.


  1. So Carolina, I am watching & waiting! This will be a real test of Clinton's ability to win over minority voters. We already know she can't win repub cross-overs & few independents.

    Why even talk about Florida? If the DNC is refusing to seat their delegates (same as MI), what's the purpose? In MI, you can't even vote for Obama or Edwards, just Hillary or Kucinich. If you don't support them, you can vote "UNCOMMITTED", which doesn't mean anything other than the delegates make their own decision who to vote for (ie, they can still vote for Hill, assuming the DNC decides to seat them).

    I can't find FL sample ballot online, so can't say who you can or can't vote for there. But I do know, when people feel their dem vote won't count (as the DNC is indicating), they may well vote independent, ie McCain. He is the real beneficiary of the DNC's effort to suppress the vote, IMO. This is skewing FL & MI so much, the polls & actual results there will be meaningless, IMO. These are not small states either. As always, I wonder who benefits? I feel like Deep Throat: follow the money.

  2. Well I saw her on her Pantsuits & Pearls Tour of the South.... I am sorry but I am really disgusted- the morning news shows were peddling her crap..." He started this"...she is Unreal....

    ( yes, DK I promise I will not watch the Russert show again...I am out of Mylanta).......

    I listened to Lydia Cornell this am- her radio show and she had Dennis Kucinich...and he is pursuing the Count...I hope and pray that South Carolina show up en masse and Vote...

    There is NO WAY she gained 16 percentage points in less than 24 way...

    I really admire the way Obama has kept to his schedule and kept stomping and going to neighborhoods and churches .....talking with the people....

    ( Note He did not go to BET....and pander....)


    Go over to Christopher's Blog "From the Left", and he has an excellent post up about Obama-
    and this mess- and it is an uplifting post about Obama , but also ABOUT POOR HILL AND HOW SHE INVITED HERSELF TO A BIG MLK NEW YORK EVENT AND GOT BOOED.....

    ( it also links to a very interesting post about the Event she went to- and it was a very very strategic move on her part....BUT they SQUEEZED her in, made her sit and wait for TWO HOURS, and then let her address the audience- and were less than tepid applause- with BOOS...also from digging about- it looks like she was NOT invited ANYwhere today- MLK day....I checked her schedule last night- and there were NO SC events- which I thought was odd- wouldn't she want to go to a BIG SC event on MLK day ???? {{ or was she disinvited from Something????}}} anyhow....NBC , the No Balls Coalition that they are....Had a Reporter and a Camera at the event- BUT on the Eve news did NOT run the story....I am hoping that Keith does....Because we had to suffer through that Insufferable B.Johnson BET clip 1000 times in the past 24 hours....NBC could atleast run the BOO Moment...)

    Okay...enigma steps down off her Soap Box and shakes off her anger.....Hrumpppph

    ( I can tell you my southern aunties would have a sitdwon Bourbon moment with Hill- and they would sure as hell set her a woman- this is NOT how she should be conducting her campaign...)

  4. Anonymous4:03 AM

    I'm in SC and have already voted via an absentee ballot. At least it is paper.


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